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Basic Linux Commands On Terminal

Change Directory cd file_dir Create Directory mkdir file_dir Delete Directory  rm -rf file_dir Create/Write File nano my_file.txt (from nano editor) vi my_file.txt (from vi editor) vim my_file.txt (from vim editor) Delete File  rm my_file.txt View File cat my_file.txt View Zip File content zcat /tmp/excise_1/ivr-2.log.gz Get File Properties file my_file.txt Show only log entries which contain text field cat /var/log/audit .log | grep Error Rename File / Move File mv my_file_oll.txt my_file_new.txt Copy File cp my_file.txt /tmp/ Copy Directory cp -r /tmp/dir /home/new_dir SSH  ssh username@ip ssh global_info_portal@ SCP scp filename username@ip:/server_location scp /tmp/my_file.txt global_info_portal@ Disk Space df -h Ram Detail free -m View Process top Kill process kill -9 process_id when using top command its second column number is process id. kill -9 1998 Down